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2000 Hail Marys  is an extremely powerful & beautiful devotion.  It takes a whole day & evening to complete in order to have recited a count of 2000 Hail Mary prayers.  A basket of personal & worldly prayer request is placed by the home made altar to offer up to God, Jesus, Holy Spirit & of course, Mother Mary.  Flowers, music, alters & candles may be used to enhance the experience.

People bring pot-luck meals  to share for the day & evening with a group of people in one room reciting the Rosary, or the host can supply refreshments. Invite your local priest if you like!  Folks can come in-and-out throughout the day & evening, whatever their schedule allows.

The prayers are started  by the leader or host or possible assistant. Prayers are  either done all together at the same time or one person recites the Hail Mary decade or prayer alone out loud. Some take turns with each decade or some on​e decides to say the entire Rosary.  Some say one Hail Mary, some say the entire Rosary, some stay for the entire event with or without breaks depending on their own choice.  One single Hail Mary or all of them will gain the same benefits for everybody participating in any way to this event!

There is a format to follow  and the host or hostess usually leads & guides the event & some take turns.  This is a very easy, laid back event & people may even take breaks to eat & quietly talk in another area of the room... AS LONG AS A HAIL MARY PRAYER IS BEING RECITED AT ALL TIMES....If no one is there at the moment, the host takes on the responsibility of saying them.  If at 9:30am for example, when the session is supposed to start, & nobody is there yet, the host must start alone until people show up.  Maybe a zoom session can be arranged.  However there is something special  when people are actually together in a room praying like this.  Again, your choice.

(Click below to visit site or download & print out the PDF 2000 Hail Mary format) 

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