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Here is the blessing by Father Tony Fasline of N. Canton Ohio

Our God, You who exists beyond all space and time but are present at all times in the heart of each believer, we invoke your presence, here and now.  Shower your blessings upon this venture of praying in our age of technology, enabling all your sons and daughters world wide to worship You in cyber space.

Bless this website, those who brought into existence and all who use it to pray the rosary.  Bring Your blessing to bear on this entire website, all efforts to improve it by change, addition, deletion, or design.  "May all who recite the rosary be truly Your children, brothers and sister of Your only Son, Jesus Christ", as promised by Mary, Your mother and ours.  We bless this web site in Your Name Father, together with Your Son, Jesus, in union with the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

+Holy Mary, Queen of the rosary, Jesus Her son,Pray f or Us Amen+

This website has also been blessed by Bishop Wack during his visit to St. Rose of Lima in Milton, Florida in the summer of 2021. When I told him I was making a rosary website he said, "I like the sound of that!! I pray the rosary everyday as everyone should...I will bless this sight!"

A Thank You to...

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Last but not EDITOR.

This website would have been finished sooner if it weren't for my wonderful cat, "Precious" who carefully inspected every part of my work and work area!

Thanks to Jen & Greg for the beautiful reciting of the Holy Rosary.

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